Wednesday 6 August 2008

European Exchange

The reason I keep neglecting to keep you, the marginally interested reading public up to date on the progress we make on our marginally interesting tour of Europe, is not because I am an awful human being, that just so happens to be a contributing factor.

As the more informed of you may be aware (for more informed read anyone who has spoken to us online) we are currently in Warsaw, and we have been here for a not unsubstantial week already, the reason a blog has not previously been posted to this effect is not due to a lack of events to write about, as we have actually done a fair bit while we've been here, there are at least 3 events I could easily have mentioned before padding it out by rambling on about the best kebab I've had this week (it was 2 nights ago by the way he wrapped it up in a kind of tortilla thing and heated it. my god it was awesome!)

So what have we done? well a few days ago now, We met up with Ela (not pictured. anywhere) a good friend of mine from working at Flextronics, with whom we did quite possibly the most touristy thing we had done in all of Poland, if not the entirity of our travels. We went up this clock-tower, albeit in the daytime so we actually saw the city and not just a sea of lights and the merriot hotel with its lights spelling out words and revolving around the building, as awesome as that is, we can see it from the ground. No we were treated to such views as this one, and obviously now, having seen the whole city from a high up place, there is no need to actually go to any other parts of the city. Job done.

Isn't it great when things like than happen...

As though life couldn't get exciting enough as we finished our cappuccinos and placed whatever flyers we may have been using at the relevant place in our books and got up out of the incredibly comfortable chairs at the coffee place on the second floor of the mall in the cente of warsaw, we realised, to our extreme delight. that the place was flooded!

^All this was written on the 6th of August, before our hour of internet ran out and left our blogs unfinished. I'll try to finish it now eh!

So yes the flooded mall, we obviously stayed for quite some time watching the staff attempting to bail the place out and I got several photographs of what to some may have been quite an unfortunate event, but it amused us, and several Polish people. and I'm guessing some of the staff too.

We also had a rather amusing night out with a group of Irish lads aswell, I think we were trying to find a castle, we never did. This was now quite some time ago (as in I've slept more than twice since it now) so I can't recall anything that actually happened in any grewat detail, but heres a picture of them stood on some kind of white statue we found while wandering the streets of Warsaw.

Not a lot has changed in the last week, we're still here, biding our time. Ok so the moneys running out and its cheap here.

We may do something else soon.

But don't hold your breath

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