Friday 11 July 2008

Ya scurvy Sea Dawg

Avast! Man The Helm. Prepare to be boarded!
And Other such Overly Cheesy Pirate Catch Phrases.

As you can imagine these phrases were used relentlessly as we sailed the seas in our mighty Galleon, looting our fellow seafarers of any worthwhile swag.

Ok, so I say mighty Galleon. It was perhaps less mighty than I was letting on. It may have been a Bright Yellow Pedal Boat.

As for the seas, that may have also been a small exaggeration, they were possibly this small section of the river running through Prague.
But as for the looting.
Well thats another story.
Just like most stories, It was made up.

So yea. Prague. Pedal Boats. Swans with Gammy Legs? 100 Points to anyone who can tell us why this swan appears to have a superfluous leg growing out of its back. Answers on a postcard.

Oh and In response to Amanda on the Website, here is photographic proof, If ever it was needed, that I have thought of my mother while travelling.

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