Tuesday 7 January 2014

Its all Lies

There was a lie in the last blog post, I thought I could live with it, but now I feel terrible.

I come here today to atone, I hope you will forgive me.

Did you spot the lie it went like this: "At first count there were 8".

That feels good, I'm glad I got that off my chest, now we can get on with the serious business at hand.

8 was actually my 2nd count, at first count there were 7, there was also a line saying that finances restricted travel to within this country in 2009, but this had to be removed as it was a lie, I had completely forgotten about it but there was a foreign holiday.

I just can't believe I replaced the lie with another possibly even worse lie. I could go back and amend the last post, but that lie has to remain, immortalised on the internet to remind me of what happens when you don't tell the truth.

The year was 2009, my mother wanted just once to have a holiday abroad with her 4 sons before it became too late and we emerged from our cocoons as butterflies or whatever the next stage is for our species. Would she manage it? Keep reading to find out...

Well yes she did, there was never really a chance of suspense there what with this being on the travel blog, obviously we made it.

The 5 of us (a flock of Mandi if you like - I believe that would have been accurate at the time) flew to Spain for a coastal beach type summer holiday in... L'Estartit. That was more difficult than it should have been. I knew that we had flown to Girona Airport, but I had to open a map and scan the coast close by until a place name seemed familiar. Now that we've dealt with the when and the where (also the who) lets get down to the almost as important regaling of events, to do that I will need to open my photographs and see what did happen (It seems that the limits of my memory is under 5 years, we'll see how much recall improves as we get into more recent trips), It may take me some time, but as you are in the future when the completed blog post already exists, you can simply look down to the next paragraph that I haven't yet written. Its like time travel! I'll See you there.

Heres a little detail about the holiday I had forgotten, it turns out that at least for some of it, my mother was transparent, you can see her here, but you can also see the large tent we stayed in THROUGH her. She has since regained full opacity.

Also the power of the sun caused the body of one of my brothers to disintegrate and turn into sand, but don't worry, has has since made a full recovery.

As is good to do to get a little exercise while on holiday, there was a walk to the highest point we could find (and realistically walk to without the requirement of specialist equipment) where there was some sort  of stone shelter, the achievement of reaching the top being only slightly dampened by the fact the floor was completely filled with beer cans and cigarette stumps meaning that many a drunk person has made it there before us.

Afterwards I fell asleep next to the pool for so long that it closed.

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