Monday 30 June 2008

Apparently Spain Won?

This Morning, I felt more at home In Vienna than I had in any other City on our travels so far.
Perhaps it was because of all the one way streets so the cars could easily be mistaken for being on the right side of the road? Maybe...
Perhaps the air smelt of Soap and we were near an awful lifeless river? No.
I felt so at home this morning because when we got up and left the hostel, It was pissing it down.

Anyway yes, we are now In Vienna and thought we would enjoy the amazing cultural activities of another City. So Yea.. Vienna... What is there? After Much searching through tourist information leaflets we discovered the answer to be.... An Aquarium type zoo thing. Where you can see some tiny Monkey like creature that seemed curious about my Pocket, whether it wanted to have away with my Passport or to escape we do not know.

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