Wednesday 20 June 2007

There's Salt in Poland

Yep there's Salt here, loads of it to be precise, and this far away from any Sea aswell, I visited a Salt mine in a tiny town called Wieliczka (its real look it up!!) and the rather fetching man in the picture was carved from Salt, unpurified salt so its all dirty and the like but I am assured it is salt.

It wasn't that great really, probably a waste of money, but it did help to kill a few hours..

And then I saw it...

Oh yea but I must show you this, I was queueing in the local ABC supermarket, looking at the Chocolate rack that is compulsorary by any supermarket checkout, thinking about how everything used to be bigger, back when wagon wheels looked lke Pizza's and King Size actually meant you had a decent sized eating challenge ahead of you, I thought wouldn't it be great if one confectionary company saw fit to introduce something big, somehing hard to even eat in one go, then as if by magic I found 'Mr Big' sat on the top shelf. I assure you I don't have small hands... Just wonder how big they used to be...


Sue said...

Hi James,
where d'ya dissappear to today, i was happily typing away and you were offline, hmmmmmmmmm! i hope you weren't thinking "omg i came away to get away from this!!!!" im only joking,, i know you have a crap connection where you are staying, anyway, i enjoyed reading about the 'big bar' hm! Poland must have more sights than the thingy museum and salt mine, never mind, glad you are enjoying the rest, keep up the blog, its better than coronation street! speak soon, take care
love Mum xxxxxxxxxxx

Brenda said...

Hi James

It is nice to see what you are upto, your mum sent me the e-mail.

The pictures are very good, have you found anybody who speaks English yet? If not it must be very lonely there.

Just as well you are good at IT, I wouldn't know where to start with a link like this.

Hope you are still enjoying yourself, keep safe.

Love from
Aunty Brenda, Uncle Jack & Nicola